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NASA blew up this inflatable space station structure on purpose

bursted LIFE structure, fabric weave is hanging from a blue platform
Image: NASA

NASA and Sierra Space blew up another space habitat in June, and everyone is smiling about it. That’s because the full-size inflatable structure in this “ultimate burst pressure” test only failed after exceeding NASA’s recommended x4 safety levels by 22 percent.

Sierra Space’s inflatable structure, known as a Large Integrated Flexible Environment, or LIFE, had its last stress test in January. LIFE is built from “basket-weaved Vectran fabrics” that strengthen once inflated. It’s intended to be used as a component in the Orbital Reef space station project involving NASA, Blue Origin, and Sierra Space.

“This second burst test will get us the design, repeatability, and architecture as we go towards our certification of the pressure shell of…

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